Monday Group

For young people experiencing mental health problems.

FREE - by referral.

Monday Group supports young people aged 12-18 who are experiencing issues around self-harm, anxiety, depression, low confidence and low self-esteem. We share techniques, play games and offer support using the arts to improve mental health. The group is small, friendly and inclusive. Funded by National Lottery Community Fund - Awards for All.

MONDAYS, 10am - 12pm.

We take referrals from health professionals, third sector organisations, teachers and parents/guardians. A chat to Deri will explain more. Please contact her by email


Post 16s Group.

FREE - closed group.

A new group working with young people aged 16-20 in west Wales who are not in eduction or training.

Amethyst works in a safe, boundaried, confidential, non-judgemental space. We play games and use creativity for fun and self-expression. We explore ideas that help us to understand ourselves and the other people in our lives. We will be working in a small group, looking at the barriers we experience and for positive solutions to them. These sessions are a space where it’s ok to be yourself, where everyone is equal and where kindness to one another is important.

The current programme also benefits participants through self-development and peer support training which is delivered in the community and to 6th formers in schools and as part of a group based at Small World Theatre.

Please contact Deri to join these sessions.


Uplifting Aerial

For young people experiencing mental health problems.

FREE - this is a closed group.

Working with Small World's aerial circus team and the Amethyst team, the group works with mental health and well-being through aerial practice. We present a season of free Uplifting Aerial sessions for young people through the Corlan project funded by Caring Communities.

SATURDAYS monthly.

Please BOOK by contact Deri,