An introduction
Small World Theatre is a partner organisation with Hywel Dda University Health Board (UHB) improving mental health and reducing feelings of distress in children and young people known to Specialist Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (SCAMHS) and UHB. ArtsBoost is supported by the Arts Council of Wales and The Baring Foundation.
In a third round of the project in 2024, we will be running Creative Freestyling sessions with young people.
The arts are proven to help with health and wellbeing, and Small World Theatre in Ceredigion, Span Arts in Pembrokeshire and People Speak Up in Carmarthenshire are the creative partners commissioned to deliver arts-based activities.
To be eligible to apply, you must be known to SCAMHS and either waiting for, or accessing support from your local primary mental health team.
For more details about ArtsBoost, please contact Kathryn Lambert, Kathryn.Lambert@wales.nhs.uk, Hywel Dda UHB, Arts in Health Coordinator.
Image credit: Hannah Rounding & Gemma Green-Hope
Arts Boost 2024 - Creative Freestyling
Discover the power of creative free-styling at Arts Boost.
Arts Boost continues to respond to the increase in mental health difficulties for children and young people, and the growing numbers of CYP seeking support for their mental health from Hywel Dda S-CAMHS. The growing evidence base shows that the arts have a powerful role to play in improving well-being, reducing feelings of distress and providing access to more and wider opportunities to develop creative coping skills for life.
Findings suggested that engaging with creative artist-led creative activities have helped participating children and young people to:
improve wellbeing and reduce feelings of distress
develop creative coping skills for life
create a safe space to allow for recovery to start
promote resilience and coping skills and increase a sense of empowerment.
Hywel Dda University Health Board has commissioned Span Arts, People Speak Up and Small World Theatre to deliver a range of artist-led creative activities including animation, mixed media art and aerial movement for children and young people aged 12-17 years old to improve mental wellbeing and reduce feelings of distress.
S-CAMHS Young Person Participation Officer, a representative from the CYP Forum ‘Future Minds’, Young People Speak Up and feedback from participating young people have all helped to design the scheme.
Arts Boost is now open for referrals for the 2024 Spring Season for Creative Freestyling.
Saturdays 6th April – 11th May 2024
Small World Theatre, Cardigan - 10am - 12noon
Span Arts in Haverhub, Haverfordwest - 11am - 1pm
People Speak Up, Ffwrnes Fach, Arts Health & Wellbeing Hub, Llanelli - 11am - 1pm
“I learnt to release tension.”
“This is how I show my thoughts and feelings.”
“Art is the only way I express some of my difficulties.”
Links to the project
The Patient Experience Network National Awards
September 2023
The first and only awards programme to recognise best practice in patient experience across all facets of health and social care in the UK.
ArtsBoost is amongst this years shortlisted finalist.
Hywel Dda University Health Board
31 January 2023
Utilising the Arts to Improve Children and Young People's Mental Health across Hywel Dda
Both CAMHS and the arts sector are under huge pressure but there are some inspiring examples of CAMHS/arts partnerships working together for the benefit of children and young people's mental health.
Baring Foundation Blog
15 August 2023
Children’s Arts and Mental Health Services? CAMHS and the arts working together
Both CAMHS and the arts sector are under huge pressure but there are some inspiring examples of CAMHS/arts partnerships working together for the benefit of children and young people's mental health.