Art Afoot / Celf ar Droed is a new series of three trails linking the coastal towns of Fishguard and Goodwick in Pembrokeshire.
The trails showcase new work by local artists and include sculptural works made from recycled, reclaimed and natural materials as well as augmented reality digital artworks that walkers can access using a smartphone.
Commissioned by Pembrokeshire County Council with UK Government funding, the trail has been designed and delivered by Small World Theatre.
Photos © Karel Jasper Photography
A project overview
The trails were an opportunity to celebrate the distinctive history, culture and stories of the area and make an appealing attraction for local people and tourists alike. They formed part of a wider regeneration drive commissioned by Pembrokeshire County Council through UK Government funding, to encourage vibrant town centres, maintain and increase footfall to support shops, decrease vacant buildings, create jobs and increase a sense of pride in place.
Small World was chosen through a competitive evaluation process involving members of the Regeneration Place team at PCC and an external public art specialist; Emma Price of Studio Response based in Cardiff. There were nine other applications from all over the UK.
The project was started and completed in 2024. A series of events engaged many residents and community groups in Phase 1, with continued consultation in Phase 2 that led to production and installation in the second part of the year. We completed in December 2024.
We had a strong, creative team headed up by lead artist Ann Shrosbree. Bill Hamblett led on the public engagement in events January - February. Ann and Bill were also artists on the project and were joined by Gideon Petersen, Toby Downing, Ben Cramp, Seán Vicary and Steve Knight.
In January 2024, Maeve Blackburn and Lily Tonkin Wells joined the team for ten days as a mentored artist.
Completing the team was Ruth Jones, Regeneration Art Development Officer at Pembrokeshire County Council, Sam Vicary, Comms Manager for Small World, David Pepper, Community Link for Small World Theatre, Jay Bedwani, Director / Filmmaker for Pembrokeshire County Council.
A guide to the Trails
Pembrokeshire County Council has created a website as a guide for the new series of three trails linking the coastal towns of Fishguard and Goodwick in Pembrokeshire.
The map
A hand drawn and illustrated map by Flow Jackson is available to guide walkers along the three routes. These can be picked up from various locations in Fishguard and Goodwick, including the Ocean Lab on Goodwick Parrog, Theatr Gwaun and the Library in Fishguard Town Hall. Alternatively, a digital version is available on the Art Afoot / Celf ar Droed website.
News, engagement and events during the project.
New sculpture trail Art Afoot / Celf ar Droed linking Fishguard and Goodwick is launching.
15 Dec ‘24
A guided walk with the artists along one of the trails. Join us on The Parrog at 2pm to walk one of the trails with the artists. Followed by refreshments in Ffwrn.
A new art trail is afoot in Fishguard and Goodwick!
A new sculpture trail Art Afoot / Celf ar Droed linking Fishguard and Goodwick will be launched 15 December 2024.
Pembrokeshire County Council Cabinet Member for Residents' Services, Cllr Rhys Sinnett said:
“This innovative project will bring the rich history of Fishguard and Goodwick to life through both physical and virtual art for us all to enjoy. It promises to be a really interesting experience, not just for those visiting the area but also those who already live in this beautiful part of Pembrokeshire”
Commissioned by Pembrokeshire County Council with UK Government funding, the trail is about to be launched.
Our artists team has designed and fabricated the artworks in their studios. The trail also includes augmented reality artworks that the viewer can see in the landscape using their phone.
The trails make use of existing and maintained pathways such as the boardwalk on Goodwick Moor, a wildlife reserve and the Marine Walk which is an accessible coastal path.
The new artworks will also be interspersed with existing artworks and heritage monuments and tell the twin towns heritage stories while celebrating the unique biodiversity and wildlife of the area.
A hand drawn and illustrated map will guide walkers along the various route options and website will give further details about the artworks, the artists and a digital version of the map.
Six new sculptures and eight augmented reality artworks have been commissioned as well as a series of decorated waymarkers. Sculptural archways created by Bill Hamblett will mark key route directions and celebrate local wildlife and heritage.
The launch event begins 2pm at Ocean Lab, Goodwick Sunday, December 15th and the artists will lead a guided walk along one of the trail routes.
Everyone is welcome, this is a free family friendly event and the route taken will be accessible to wheelchair users.
A stunning five metre stainless steel seahorse created by Pembrokeshire-based artist Gideon Petersen will sit at the entrance to the Marine Walk, overlooking Goodwick beach and Fishguard Harbour.
Many of the artworks are interactive or kinetic such as a wind-powered shoal of fish and a giant kaleidoscope showcasing local children's drawings at Goodwick Parrog, made using reclaimed materials by artist duo Toby Downing and Ben Cramp.
A playful hand painted sculpture of Jemima Nicholas, created by Ann Shrosbree with painting by Sarah Hope, was originally inspired by a young person’s drawing and an augmented reality immersive experience awaits viewers with artworks by Seán Vicary and Steve Knight.
The area is known for its focus on arts and culture and these trails are the latest manifestation of this. For those who love culture as well as stunning coastal scenery and wildlife, this is an ideal combination.
Fantastic Lanterns to light up Fishguard and Goodwick at the launch of the new art trails.
Plans are underway to launch Art Afoot / Celf ar Droed art trails linking Fishguard and Goodwick and commissioned by Pembrokeshire County Council through UK Government funding. Pembrokeshire County Council and Small World Theatre are planning a celebratory lantern parade in partnership with On Land's Edge Festival on Friday 20th September from 6.30pm.
Fishguard's mayor Cllr Billy Shaw and the Mayor’s Consort Cllr Janet Wyer, will be in attendance. Goodwick Brass Band, several beautiful giant lanterns and a sea of jelly fish and pyramid lanterns will lead people from The Parrog into Fishguard, delighting spectators.
Ann Shrosbree, Director of Small World Theatre said:
"We've worked with pupils at Ysgol Bro Gwaun, Ysgol Glannau Gwaun, Holy Name Catholic Primary School and Ysgol Wdig to make jelly fish lanterns and larger creatures from tissue paper and willow. We're looking forward to welcoming the public to a big day of lantern making in Fishguard Town Hall. The result of everyone's hard work will be spectacular Parade which we hope will be a memorable occasion for the towns."
Ann Shrosbree, Director of Small World Theatre said:
“Thanks to social media, feedback in person and comments left for the team, we were able to get more of a picture of the communities’ response and in some cases, their concerns. The exhibition represented the hard work of my team in a short timeframe. We have listened and included as many themes as possible gathered during the intense public consultation period. The artwork designs have strong environmental themes as well as references to local history. We hope that the communities can enjoy and be proud of their input so far.”
Residents and stakeholders of Fishguard and Goodwick are invited to join Small World theatre's artists in a free lantern making workshop in Fishguard Town Hall on Saturday 7th September from 10am - 3pm. This is an all-day event - participants need to book ahead through the company's website. There are fifty lantern making places available on a first come first served basis.
"We ask the public to be mindful when they're booking. If you’ve booked and find that you can’t make it to the workshop, please let us know as we'll be running a waiting list." said Ann.” The event is already being embraced by the community and I want to say a big thank you to Ffwrn for inviting us to work with FADDS in the venue, and for allowing the community to store their amazing lanterns ahead of the parade.”
It is hoped that the plans to create an evening of events will only benefit the towns, with the launch of the art trails coinciding with On Land's Edge Festival’s opening night.
A Fishguard residents said:
“I am blown away by the amount of work on this project and in such a short time the art trails will be open to the public. We’ve been invited to attend a variety and choice of engagement opportunities. Small World has sought out and listened to people and turned our responses into something amazing for the community and our future generations.
Another added:
“I’m looking forward to seeing the variety of artworks, and I hope they will support Fishguard and Goodwick as walkable towns linked by the Wales Coast Path and other routes. I foresee the new art trails will be enjoyed by residents and visitors alike.”
For further information about On Land's Edge Festival’s programme and for information about the art trails, please visit the companies’ respective websites.
Plans for art trails for Fishguard and Goodwick move forward.
The Fishguard and Goodwick art trails project moves forward with a pre-application submitted to Pembrokeshire County Council’s planning department after a week’s exhibition of the artworks proposed by Small World Theatre.
Residents and stakeholders of Fishguard and Goodwick were invited to join the artists at the opening of the exhibition in Fishguard Town Hall on 4 May to view the draft designs, put forward their questions and leave their comments for the Cardigan-based company. The draft artworks were presented to the towns with much excitement and there followed discussions during the week about some of the designs and their proposed locations. Lead artist Ann Shrosbree and her team were delighted with the overwhelmingly positive feedback and have also been working with individuals and specific groups to address any concerns raised face-to-face and on social media. These included issues about the positioning of some of the artworks, their upkeep and maintenance.
Ann Shrosbree, Director of Small World Theatre said:
“Thanks to social media, feedback in person and comments left for the team, we were able to get more of a picture of the communities’ response and in some cases, their concerns. The exhibition represented the hard work of my team in a short timeframe. We have listened and included as many themes as possible gathered during the intense public consultation period. The artwork designs have strong environmental themes as well as references to local history. We hope that the communities can enjoy and be proud of their input so far.”
The project commissioned by Pembrokeshire County Council is part of a regeneration project intended to increase visitor and local footfall in and around the connecting seaside towns, funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Regeneration Art Development Officer at PCC, Ruth Jones said:
“It is fantastic to see these proposals emerging from all the engagement that has taken place in the twin towns. A rich mix of traditional sculpture, playful interactive objects, digital art and creative waymarkers are proposed that are unique to the town’s historical and environmental identity. We are excited to see it develop to the next stage”.
Plans to create a large-scale community event in the Autumn are also afoot. Ann Shrosbree said “We’re delighted to be working with Fishguard’s Ar Ymyl y Tir / On Land's Edge festival to create a fantastic community parade to announce the art trails and open the annual event in September. Keep your eyes peeled for information about free lantern making workshops this summer.”
Progress of the Fishguard and Goodwick art trails will continue to be included on Small World Theatre’s website, where the artwork exhibition continues online and contact details for the project are available.
Artists to present their draft designs for new artworks connecting Goodwick and Fishguard.
The new artworks project commissioned by Pembrokeshire County Council and awarded to Small World Theatre in December 2023, has reached a stage where the proposed artworks can be presented to the public. Residents and stakeholders of Fishguard and Goodwick are invited to join the artists at the opening of an exhibition on 4 May from 11am – 1pm in Fishguard Town Hall to see the draft artwork designs and their proposed locations, as well as offering feedback in person.
The exhibition will remain open to the public from Tuesday 7 - Saturday 11 May from 11am - 2pm.
It will explain the themes behind the artworks and include models and images by the artists, including public-realm artist Gideon Petersen, and works by artists Ann Shrosbree, Bill Hamblett, Toby Downing, Ben Cramp, Seán Vicary and Steve Knight. The exhibition will be staffed, and a comments book offers another opportunity to feedback.
The artwork will lead pedestrians and walkers along the existing walkways, paths and roads connecting Fishguard and Goodwick. Our exhibtion in Fishguard Town Hall will show these proposed locations. We’re also going to share comments and drawings from the public consultations that took place in February and March. We had over 400 comments or drawings, so there’s been lots to inspire this process.”
Project timeline.
Meet the artists
A presentation by Small World Theatre’s artists team took place in Theatr Gwaun in December 2023. There followed a Q+A session and an explanation of how the public consultation process was planned.
Phase 1
Dates in January - February 2024
Three public co-creation sessions gathered ideas in January/February. These took place in Fishguard Town Hall, The Phoenix Community Centre, Goodwick, The Point youth centre, Fishguard. In worked with pupils from local primary schools and the secondary school in February and held an online survey that closed in March 2024.
Phase 2
Consultation with Pembrokeshire County Council and Fishguard stakeholders.
An public exhibition of the draft designs for the artworks in Fishguard Town Hall, with an opening event on Saturday 4 May from 11am - 1pm. The exhibition will be open and staffed by a member of Small World’s team from Tuesday 7 May - Saturday 11 May from 11am - 2pm.
June - August 2024
Consultation with Pembrokeshire County Council and an application to the Planning Department for the installation of some of the artworks.
Artworks are in production.
Planning the launch with Pembrokeshire County Council and working with On Land’s Edge Festival to dovetail with events on their opening night.
Community wide lantern making in schools, youth groups and a public lantern making session.
September 2024
Launch event for Art Afoot / Celf ar Droed
Other information
Thee draft designs.
We’re sharing our progress in a blog. You’ll find updates here.