Syrcas Byd Bach
Regular Classes
Term dates and Timetable
Term Dates
Mon 3 Mar - Thurs 10 Apr (6 weeks)
Easter holiday - w/c Mon 14 Apr
Mon 28 Apr - Thurs 22 May (4 weeks, inc. bank hol. Mon 5 May)
Half term holiday - w/c Mon 26 May
Mon 2 Jun - Thurs 10 Jul (6 weeks)
We’ll return after Summer holidays.
4.15pm - 5.45pm - Youth Beginners (age 8-12)
6pm - 7.30pm - Youth Improvers/Experienced* (age 10-15)
7.30pm -9pm - Adult Improvers* (16+)
4.15pm - 5.45pm - Youth Beginners (age 8-12)
5.45pm - 7.15pm - Youth Beginner/Improvers* (age 12-15)
7.30pm - 9pm - Adult Beginners (16+)
Saturdays (monthly)
Aerial yoga - FULL
*pre-requisites for improver classes include confidence with core vocabulary and wraps on trapeze and rope/silks, able to invert from the air on all apparatus. Our Youth Experienced class is our most advanced class and is invitation only.
Youth Beginners (age 8-12)
from 3rd of March to 7th of April (inclusive)
Sessions are £16 each but must be booked in a half-term block in advance.
A mixed aerial class focusing on different apparatus each week covering trapeze, rope/silks and sling/hammock across the term. The students will learn circus-specific warmups, exercises and short sequences in the air.
This is a complete beginners class so no experience is necessary, although some body awareness is helpful, e.g dance/climbing/gymnastics/yoga.
Please email the SBB team to register on our waiting list. Please give your child’s name, date of birth and your contact telephone number so that we can reach you quickly.
Youth Aerial - Beginners (age 8-12)
from 6th of March to 10th of April (inclusive)
Sessions are £16 each but must be booked in a half-term block in advance. Book here.
A mixed aerial class focusing on different apparatus each week covering trapeze, rope/silks and sling/hammock across the term. The students will learn circus-specific warmups, exercises and short sequences in the air.
This is a complete beginners class so no experience is necessary, although some body awareness is helpful, e.g dance/climbing/gymnastics/yoga.
Please email the SBB team to register on our waiting list. Please give your child’s name, date of birth and your contact telephone number so that we can reach you quickly.
Adult Aerial - Beginners (age 16+)
from 6th of March to 10th of April (inclusive)
Sessions are £16 each but must be booked in a half-term block in advance. Book here.
A mixed aerial class focusing on different apparatus each week covering trapeze, rope/silks and sling/hammock across the term. The students will learn circus-specific warmups, exercises and short sequences in the air.
This is a complete beginners class so no experience is necessary, although some body awareness is helpful, e.g dance/climbing/gymnastics/yoga.
Youth Aerial - Beginners to Improvers (age 12-15)
from 6th of March to 10th of April (inclusive)
Sessions are £16 each but must be booked in a half-term block in advance.
With a focus on progressing to multiple aerial disciplines – including trapeze, rope/silks and sling/hammock – we also encourage our students to extend their vocabulary in the air, whilst progressing in skill level.
We ask students to work in a buddy pair for the term, sharing a piece of apparatus with just one other person.
*pre-requisites for improver classes include confidence with core vocabulary and wraps on trapeze and rope/silks, able to invert from the air on all apparatus. Our Youth Experienced class is our most advanced class and is invitation only.
However, we also welcome enquiries from other experienced young aerialists with a solid foundation in both vertical and bar apparatus.
Please contact
Youth Aerial - Improvers to Experienced (age 10-15)
from 3rd of March to 7th of April (inclusive)
Sessions are £16 each but must be booked in a term or half-term block in advance.
Our flagship young peoples’ class. With a focus on multiple aerial disciplines – including trapeze, rope/silks and sling/hammock – we also encourage our students to work creatively in the air; finding their own style within circus, whilst progressing in skill level.
We ask students to work in a buddy pair for the term, sharing a piece of apparatus with just one other person.
*pre-requisites for improver classes include confidence with core vocabulary and wraps on trapeze and rope/silks, able to invert from the air on all apparatus. Our Youth Experienced class is our most advanced class and is invitation only.
However, we also welcome enquiries from other experienced young aerialists with a solid foundation in both vertical and bar apparatus.
Please contact
Adult Aerial - Improvers (age 16+)
from 3rd of March to 7th of April (inclusive)
Sessions are £16 each but must be booked in a half-term block in advance.
This class pushes our adult students past the “moves” and into a space where individuality is celebrated. Our students work on technique, line and advancing their skill set, over a broad range of apparatus.
*pre-requisites for improver classes include confidence with core vocabulary and wraps on trapeze and rope/silks, able to invert from the air on all apparatus. Our Youth Experienced class is our most advanced class and is invitation only.
Please contact
Aerial Yoga
Jan 25, Feb 22, Mar 29
If aerial circus feels like an intimidating place to start, you might enjoy our aerial yoga classes which run monthly on Saturdays 10.30am-12pm. Suitable for age 16+, these classes use a low loop of aerial fabric as a support/prop to explore and reimagine some traditional yoga postures including lots of supported inversions. Modifications are available for all skill levels. Booking is for a block of 3 classes.
Contact Helene for more information