Registration and Payment Page

There are 3 steps to signing up to SBB classes this term.

We’re taking the opportunity to update our aerial students' records and we’re introducing new ways to pay ahead in order to confirm your place.

We'll continue to send the latest SBB news by email and we'll also keep in touch on social media @syrcasbydbach.

If you’ve any questions, please get in touch with Helene at



Registering for the term.

Sign up for the new term by completing the Registration Form. This applies to every student, so you may need to complete more than one form if you’re booking on behalf of yourself and a child/young person. The form includes essential information for the team and is kept strictly confidential (contact details, health etc.)

Thanks for Registering, you can now proceed to Step 2.



We no longer issue invoices. We are asking our students to pay online before term starts, or in person on the last session of the previous half-term. We can’t guarantee your place until we’ve received payment.

At the end of this period the classes will be made available to the public in our online shop.

Paying online

Please pay for the half-term in advance following the link sent to you by email. Once you’ve completed a registration form and paid for your training, we will secure your place. If you need more info, please email Hélène at Thanks.

Paying in person

Please arrange a date for payment with Hélène at or pay on the last session of the previous half-term as the trainers will be able to receive your payment. If you’re paying in person, please note that you will have completed the online registration form (see Step 1 above).

Thanks for paying in advance, you can now move on to Step 3.



Hélène will confirm that’s she’s received your completed online registration form and your payment.

Thanks for completing all the steps. Have a great term!